Use "garrison|garrisons" in a sentence

1. There are garrisons in major cities and major army bases.

2. A number of Roman garrisons are still standing today.

3. Army Garrison Benelux Facebook page

4. Our garrisons are patrolling the roads and searching every town.

5. Barbar also wanders the garrison

6. The garrison was immediately withdrawn.

7. The rebels are poised for a new assault on the government garrisons.

8. Among edgy garrisons, with military pride an ingredient, something to be squashed immediately.

9. Our regiment will garrison the town.

10. The troops stormed against the garrison.

11. Use a Black Hand to garrisons, and take it for yourself.

12. Half the garrison are on duty.

13. The garrison was built to withstand assaults.

14. 10 Our regiment will garrison the town.

15. Half the garrison is / are on duty.

16. The garrison readied itself for a counterattack.

17. Norway's largest military garrison is located at Setermoen.

18. Being the first standard Foot Archers, Bowmen are the most adequate when fending off an Ancient Age rush, for they have the longest range, are strong against Heavy Infantry, and make excellent garrisons, as Foot Archers in general increase a building's garrison power more than other unit types

19. Two regiments were sent to garrison the town.

20. The garrison will stand out for some time.

21. A volunteer garrison was left on the Acropolis.

22. Use a Black Hand to clear out garrisons, and take it for yourself.

23. Use a Black Hand to clear out garrisons, and then take it for yourself.

24. The Prussian garrison at Charleroi was falling back.

25. Dr. Garrison is a regular doctor, not a specialist.

26. Does your film make a hero of Jim Garrison?

27. 10 The garrison beat off all the enemy attacks.

28. The city garrison must be prepared to repulse attacks.

29. Leather Brassards are best for garrison and ceremonial events

30. Garrison had lived in the community all his life.

31. Accoutrements can be intended for field, garrison or ceremonial purposes

32. The garrison commander was a military engineer, Colonel P.W. Scharroo.

33. In 66, Zealot Jews killed the Roman garrison in Jerusalem.

34. The people asked that the government garrison the coastal towns.

35. Leaving 1,300 men behind as a garrison, Burgoyne continued the advance.

36. Centurion, do you have anyone of that name in the garrison?

37. How does a garrison of 30 men disappear without a whisper.

38. The garrison commander had put an extra watch on the prisoners.

39. At other times, they waged an incessant guerrilla war, attacking isolated Roman garrisons, ambushing caravans, cutting supply routes.

40. 27 The invading army had massacred many of the garrison after capitulation.

41. Here the garrison, acting on advice from Philip, refused to admit him.

42. Did you think that a garrison on open ground would go undefended?

43. The 100-strong garrison has/have received no supplies for a week.

44. In Russia up until 1715 the Commandant of a military garrison was

45. Cawnpore was an important garrison town for the East India Company forces

46. You wouldn't by any chance know how many soldiers in the garrison?

47. Nevertheless, he kept the treasure fleet as a part of Nanjing's garrison.

48. They can pick off the sentries and set fire to the garrison.

49. The garrison that sounds a parley is not far from being surrendered.

50. The Arabs initially settled in the garrison towns rather than on scattered estates

51. Captain Steele, put the entire garrison under arms at their posts of alarm.

52. — Joey Garrison, USA TODAY, "Joe Biden attends Mass at Cathedral of St

53. Abolitionist leaders included Frederick Douglass, William Lloyd Garrison, Sojourner Truth and John Brown

54. Recommendations about radiant in-floor heat in cold Climes, new build? Steve Garrison

55. The garrison is to be reinforced with/by another two battalions of soldiers.

56. Be well, do good work, and keep in touch. Garrison Keillor 

57. The southwestern section of Yongsan Garrison can be accessed easily from this station.

58. But it was necessary, of course, for the garrison to experience discomfort first.

59. Grenadier Squad - This will create an anti-structure grenade launcher on your MARV that has the ability to clear garrisons.

60. In quick succession, Cleomenes cleared the cities of Arcadia of their Achaean garrisons, before crushing another Achaean force at Dyme.

61. Philip also made peace with the other combatants; Corinth and Chalcis, which controlled important strategic locations both received Macedonian garrisons.

62. Business people no longer believed that gunboats and garrisons were vital for the protection and promotion of their activities.

63. Captain Steele, put the entire garrison under arms at their posts of alarm

64. The garrison was called out when news of the enemy's advance was received.

65. Its garrison swears to immolate the first who breathes a proposition of surrender.

66. It was not possible, financially and militarily, to leave a garrison on each island.

67. Perico was founded in 1874 near a garrison of the Spanish Colonial Civil Guard.

68. Barbar is one of the two cats that you can find in your garrison

69. The peasants were Armed with pitchforks and scythes as they stormed the military garrison

70. The little garrison town is Agog with the excitement of a newly declared war

71. With a thousand poorly equipped men, he overcame the armed Philistine garrison at Geba.

72. In 1864 he became commander in chief of the garrison at Frankfurt am Main.

73. Some of the recently released assassination records substantiate other evidence that Garrison was a fraud.

74. If charged and convicted vehicular manslaughter, Garrison could face up to 10 years in prison.

75. The Burghs had a permanent garrison (a group of soldiers who defended a single place)

76. Noun Usually Barracks. a building or group of buildings for lodging soldiers, especially in garrison

77. Anderson and his force was part of the garrison defending Savannah, Georgia, in December 1864.

78. DeVore's own plantation was in the northwest of this area, adjoining the garrison at Lodz.

79. The commander of a fortress garrison was first called a Commandant in the 16th century

80. You know that garrison swears to immolate the first who breathes a proposition of surrender.